A fast-paced platformer-based game set in a futuristic Bangkok City, Thailand. 

You have been caught robbing a local convince store, and the police are now bent on gunning you down. (Very realistic.) Luckily for you, you know of an escape point from the city. Unfortunately, it is quite far away in the center of town, and you must traverse through the city, scaling skyscrapers and avoiding the police. 

(Note on the game jam theme, We used the "to climb up or over (something high and steep)."  definition for the word scale. The original idea came from the Google dictionary example, "thieves scaled an 8-foot fence", and we just kinda built off of that.) 


A and D to move

Space Bar to jump

Left-click to use your Grappling Hook

W to climb walls


SpaceC2,  Project Leader, Level Designer

Mickychin, Main Programmer

4Tons, Artist

Mong-Ying, Sound Designer

Resources used:

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dnNCVcVS6uw : Grappling Hook

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QGDeafTx5ug : Movement

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LNLVOjbrQj4 : Look at/Shoot 

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-6H-uYh80vc : Scrolling Background


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Literal peak